3 website mistakes to avoid


Although the best websites come across as simple, clear, and almost look like they came together effortlessly, a lot goes on behind the scenes to achieve that result! An amazing website is the result of a combination of strategy and great design.

If you’re struggling to get those results on your own website, it could be that you’re missing one of the basic pillars of the web design process. Specifically, there are 3 mistakes that I see again and again with DIY web design. Below, I’ll share what those mistakes are and how to correct them!

Mistake #1: Ignoring strategy

A pretty website will never be effective without strategy! This is why it’s so important to hire a web designer who incorporates strategic process and design. Yes, it takes a little longer and it costs a bit more, but it’s 100% worth it!

Strategic design focuses on understanding the ideal client (including what they want and need) and the journey they take from landing on your website to hiring you or buying your product. This strategy then informs everything from the website goals to the site hierarchy, to layout and design, to call-to-action placements.

What you can do

Think of your ideal customer or client. What problem do they have that you can help them with? How are they finding you? What do they need to know before they hire you or purchase something from you?

Once you’ve answered those questions, go back and ensure that your website addresses all of those questions for them in a clear, logical way.

Mistake #2: Lack of clarity

Building on mistake #1, the second mistake that I see often is a confusing site or confusing website copy.

When a potential customer lands on your website, they make a decision in a matter of seconds regarding whether or not they feel you can help them. This decision comes from a few different variables, but one of the major contributors to visitors clicking away from a website is lack of clarity.

If someone lands on your website and it isn’t immediately clear what you do and how you can help them, that person is not going to stick around further to investigate. They’ve already moved on!

No matter how cute your website is or how much great content you might have, if your website is confusing, visitors will click away.

(Learn more about my website content strategy here!)

What you can do

Start with your homepage. Is it immediate clear what you do? If not, ensure that your tagline or headline clearly states what you do. Next go through each section of your website and ask yourself: 

  • What is my ideal customer looking for?

  • What do they need to know? Is it easy to find & understand?

  • Can I simplify the layout?

  • Can I simplify the language I’m using?

  • Is it clear on each page what step visitors should take next?

  • Is it clear where I can be contacted and how?

When in doubt, simplify, simplify, simplify!

Mistake #3: No brand personality

More and more, customers are looking to do business with people they know, like and trust. So how can your website help customers get to know, like and trust you? Through your brand personality! (Read more about how your brand can encourage potential customers to know, like & trust you here.)

This means that your branding needs to reflect the type of business your ideal client is seeking, as well as what makes you different. And this branding has to be consistent through every step in your potential customer’s experience.

What you can do

Ask yourself whether your website reflects a look and feel that will resonate with your ideal customer. Does your website position you as trustworthy? Friendly? Helpful? Knowledgeable?

Then ask yourself whether your website provides visitors an opportunity to get to know you better as well as understand clearly how you can help them. This includes having photos of yourself on your website and clearly outlining how you work with people.

Finally, check in with the words on your website. Is the language and tone consistent across your site? Does it match the brand personality you’re trying to achieve?

Fixing these website mistakes often doesn’t require a whole web overhaul. Little changes and tweaks over time can really help to make your website more strategic, clear and attractive for your potential customers!